Expanding Universe Out of a Box

Mirror Box Kinetic Sculpture

Snake in the Grass Kinetic Sculpture

Baade's Window Transforming Gimbal

Experimenting with Gimbals

Reflective Gimbal

The challenge for this gimbal was to create a reflective gimbal with two high gloss and reflective qualities. The gimbal can be mixed to create reflective and glossy black circles interacting with light and shadows.I curved the individual plates to reflect more light and give extra dimension to the gimbal.

Sculpture- Cast Away and Re-assembled

After we weathered the financial storm of 2008 I was forced to downsize our studio and quickly liquidate much of our equipment. I kept several pieces from computers, office equipment and even my old tie racks (won't be needing those ties anymore). In some kind of a funk I assembled these pieces. It reminded me of all the model cars and planes I glued together as a child.


Each of these sculptures is built to spin (on old bearings and hard drive motors), bounce, and glitter or just express shapes. Each piece has its own symmetry or composition when viewed from above, and a unique appearance from each side depending on where one stops the spinning art. Someone reminded me of ancient prayer wheels that devotees spin each day. Something about spinning an object appeals to people.